2025 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Robot Systems (AIARS 2025) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of artificial intelligence and autonomous robot systems. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Artificial Intelligent
Autonomous Agents and Distributed AI
Computer Games
Computer Vision / Pattern Recognition
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Federated Learning
Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Neural Networks
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Knowledge Representation and Automatic Reasoning
Knowledge-Based Systems
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Problem Solving and Search
Recommender Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Web Intelligence and Social Networks
2. Autonomous Robot Systems
Agricultural Robotics
Applications of Autonomous Intelligent Robots
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Control Architectures and Programming
Cooperative Perception
Cooperative Planning and Task Allocation
Dexterous Manipulation and Grasping
Educational Robotics
Entertainment Robots
Evolutionary Robotics
Humanoid Robotics
Human-Robot Interaction
Localization, Mapping, and Navigation
Locomotion and Actuation Systems
Multi-Robot Coordination
Multi-Robot Systems
Planning, Reasoning and Modelling
Recognition and Tracking
Robot Learning
Robotic Competitions
Robotic Simulation
Sensors and Sensor Integration
Swarm Robotics
Underwater Robotics