Join us as one of Keynote Speakers

1. Keynote Speaker's Qualifications

Keynote speakers are usually given 20-30 minutes to speech. The speech topics need to be relevant to the conferences' topics. The preferable qualities of well-versed keynote speakers include: fluent English language, highly regarded oratory skills, intelligence and background on the topic, ability to engage an audience, creativity, a good sense of humor, strong use of visuals or audio, and openness for sharing personal experiences.

Keynote speakers can attend conference either in person or remote video speech.


2. Keynote Speaker's Benefits


AIARS 2025 is committed to promoting and facilitating academic exchange and dissemination. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy as a keynote speaker:
1). Stay up to date with the latest developments in your field,
2). Be recognized as a sign that you are progressing in your career,
3). Become part of the conference community,
4). Receive a reward of USD300 and an electronic certificate,
5). Attend this conference for free, including the conference documents, lunch, banquet, publication of one paper and coffee break during the conference. The keynote speaker's papers will go through the same review process as all other submissions to the conference.


If you are interested in being a keynote speaker in AIARS 2025, please send your Curriculum Vitae to E-mail: aiarspaper@outlook.com.

Join us as one of Reviewers

1. Reviewer's Qualifications

1). PhD level or above,
2). Active researchers in the related field,
3). At least have one or more recent publications in peer-reviewed journals.


2. Reviewer's Responsibilities


1). Keep the manuscripts to be reviewed as confidential documents,
2). Give constructive review comments, not just simple Accept or Reject,
3.) Send back the review comments within one to two weeks.

3. Reviewer's Benefits


1). Stay up to date with the latest developments in your field,
2). Be recognized as a sign that you are progressing in your career,
3). Become part of the conference community,
4). Receive a reward of USD20 per review and an electronic certificate,
5). Attend this conference for free, including the conference documents, lunch, banquet, publication of one paper and coffee break during the conference. The reviewer's papers will go through the same review process as all other submissions to the conference.


If you are interested in being a reviewer in AIARS 2025, please send your Curriculum Vitae to E-mail: aiarspaper@outlook.com.